Let's learn everything about women and soon get to the dating game. Before getting to the real deal, here are a few guidelines to help you look through the blog. I make it a point to post atleast once everyday. Every post is categorised under the following sections, games I call them, because that's what its all about.

Gear Up: The war within your head. The game you have to play with yourself to learn about what lies ahead.
Coffee: The game of approach and first impressions.
Dinner: The time you start turning tables. The tuning. The direction to take.
Relationships: The name says it all. The way to keep her in place and get whatever you want out of her.

That's about everything there is. Go ahead, make the best out of it. Have fun and good luck.

Friday, July 11, 2008

The thin line between Gentleman and Loser

Its common knowledge that women love to be around and date gentlemen. The more gentlemanly you are, the more attractive you will be to women. Ahha, you've found it. The ultimate secret. All you have to do is do favors for women, and before you know it you'll be nothing less than James Bond. Right? Have you ever tried slapping yourself? Do it now. Let it be a hard one. Did you? Did it hurt? That must've gotten some sense into your head. Try using your brains, Einstein! You've got plenty of it. When you do favors for women, their sub-conscious automatically puts you in the loser category. And according to their dictionary you are a 'very good friend'. Yeah go be their friend if that's what gives you the thrills! Listen now. And listen hard. You are a man. You are of the same sex as those that fought in historic battles and wars. Those that saved their nations. Those that earned the highest of fame and respect. And now you wish to serve to the wants of women? Run a self-check, buddy. Let's go through the ways of being gentlemanly when you approach a woman.

Suppose you're walking on the footpath and you see two women friends talking to each other and walking towards you. They cover up almost the entire width of the footpath. When you get closer to them, you'll have two options in hand. To get off the footpath, cross them and then get back in. Or to walk straight ahead and make them give way, like you own the footpath. Which one?! If you chose to get off the footpath, think again. Was that gentlemanly of you? Was the city built to let only women walk around comfortably? Are you any less of a citizen? The footpath belongs as much to you as it does to them. You get off the footpath and it won't take more than a second for them to look down on you. That's not gentlemanly. That's not even manly! Well, its ok to do that if you don't mind being a loser.

You have asked this woman out for a coffee. It was a nice little chat you had with her last night when you met her at the pub. Now you've met again and you are at the coffee place. The two of you decide on a table and you walk towards it. Do you or do you not pull the chair for her? Remember, you don't want to be termed a loser. What do you do? Of course you pull the chair. You are not helping her or doing a favor for her when you pull the chair for her! You're just being a nice guy. And women love nice guys. The confident ones obviously. You've got to be careful here, brother. If you had been dreaming about the coffee date since morning, there's a good chance you would have planned on pulling the chair for her. Women have eagle eyes. They can see through you so well you would rather run around naked than be on a date with her. And then again, like before, less than a second to make it to the world's top 10 losers' list. Keep the flow. Be cool. You're playing a game. And you're loving the game. You're the pro. Things are easy for you. You do what you want. And you are smooth at everything. Natural. Clear. Simple.

You must've got the picture by now. You don't become their servant and at the same time you don't try to be heroic. You strike off a balance right in between. The gentleman. The man who knows himself. The man who is always right. And knows he's right.

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